Course Description and Fees

GTL Athens offers courses for the Foundation Certificate in Gemmology, the Diploma in Gemmology, the Diamond Practical Certificate and the Gem Diamond Diploma

All examinations are held at the examination centers of the British Council in Athens. 

  • Foundation Certificate in Gemmology and Diploma in Gemmology (in English)

        A two academic year program, during which students are taught all theoretical and practical aspects of gemstones. It consists of the first year (Foundation Certificate in Gemmology) and the second year (Diploma). The first year has to be successfully completed in order for a student to attend the second year.

  • Diamond Practical Certificate (in English or Greek)

        One academic year program, during which students are taught to classify rough and polished diamonds (Diamond Practical Certificate).

  • Gem Diamond (in English)

        One academic year program, during which students are taught all theoretical and practical aspects of diamonds (Gem Diamond Diploma).

Level of Studies

The regulator of qualifications in England and Northern Ireland (Ofqual) is the National agency responsible for determining education level status. According to Ofqual, Gem-A Diplomas and Certificates are qualified as follows:   

Gemmology Diploma: Bachelor Degree Level or Level 6

Diamond Diploma: Higher National Diploma or Level 5

Gemmology Foundation: Certificate of Higher Education or Level 4



Course Description: nine month Gemmology Foundation
Dates: early October to mid’ June
Hours: three hours weekly/afternoon
Fees: € 1620 (total) or Monthly Fee: € 180
Additional Fees: £1.255 (course notes and basic instruments)
Examination Resit Fees: £340 



Course Description: nine month Gemmology Diploma
Dates: early October to mid’ June
Hours: three hours weekly/afternoon
Fees: € 1.620 (total) or Monthly Fee: € 180
Additional Fees: £1.995 (course notes and basic instruments)
Examination Resit Fees: £675 (theory and practical resit)
                                        £390 (theory resit)
                                        £310 (practical resit)


Gem Diamond

Course Description: nine month Gem Diamond
Dates: early October to mid’ June
Hours: two hours weekly/afternoon (practical) and four hours monthly (theory)
Fees: € 3.150 (total) or Monthly Fee: € 350
Additional Fees: £1.745 (course notes and basic instruments)
Examination Resit Fees: £790 (theory and practical resit)
                                        £290 (theory resit)
                                        £550 (practical resit)


Gem Diamond Practical Certificate

Course Description: nine month Gem Diamond Practical Certificate
Dates: early October to mid’ June
Hours: two hours weekly/afternoon
Fees: € 1.980 (total) or Monthly Fee: € 220
Additional Fees: £995 (course notes and basic instruments)
Examination Resit Fees: £550 (practical resit)
From Diamond Practical to Gem Diamond Fees: £960

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